I don’t know how it was decided that March is the first month of autumn in the Antipodes and spring in the rest of the world…Every year seems to be the same; March starts with a healthy heaping of snow in Europe and in Australia it’s summers final hurrah. I’ve just picked several kilos of guavas from our tree which I’ll freeze and turn into smoothie bowls. And we are still eating watermellon every day at the moment, so as far as I’m concerned March is just the last month of summer.
This House of Foxy shirtwaister dress needs no introduction, I’ve posted lots of variations of it before. It’s also a print that’s very popular among the vintage ladies, and seeing it look wonderful on so many others inspired me to buy it. The print actually features little vintage postcards from Swiss, German and French towns. So very wholesome. I ended up wearing the outfit to a friends birthday dinner at a German restaurant, because I do love a theme.
Not a lot more to say today because my life is actually very boring, and I mean that in the good way. Just you know, nothing worse than bloggers waffling on pointlessly for several paragraphs. And since this isn’t a food/recipe blog there’s no need for a blog post to go for several paragraphs…Tee hee.
Beautiful ensemble from head to toe, and a cute print.
Nevermind your life, your outfit is anything but boring, love it! X