Here we have yet another fabulous 1940s knitwear creation by the same designer as my previous post. Those of you who collect 1940s knitting patterns are likely familiar with this specific design, as I’ve seen it pop up a lot in various colour combinations. Because I do my best to only get stuff I will get a lot of wear out of, I decided on the mushroom coloured wool instead of a bright colour. So this outfit ended up not being very bright or exciting, but it’s one of my favourite things that I’ve worn lately! And yep, it was totally inspired by the outfits worn in All Creatures Great & Small. I guess the reason I’ve taken so much inspiration from the series lately is because a lot of the clothing worn in the show are things that I already own.
I’m actually pretty pleased with myself that this year I have been able to capture the beautiful changing leaves. A lot of the time I get so excited that I jump the gun and don’t get photos of them in their full russet glory. I’m always jealous of folks who live in countries where maples are abundant. That’s how it was where I grew up, and I have fond memories of collecting the leaves and making crowns out of them, the same way one would with flowers. In these parts though they are a rarity and you have to seek them out. So I wasn’t about to strip this tree of its glory to make a crown of the leaves. If I ever end up fortunate enough to own a large block of land, you better believe I’ll be planting a whole avenue of maples to enjoy.
I love your knitted top, it looks beautiful with your outfit and absolutely wonderful surrounded by the autumn leaves. ππππ