Hopefully I’m not jinxing myself by saying this…but we’ve had a pretty decent summer by Brisbane standards this year. My banana tree has produced several kilos of very nice looking bananas, and my hibiscus plants have bloomed beautifully. After last year I’m not taking any of this for granted. And it looks like it has been a great year for other growers too. I wonder if anyone recognises the fruit trees in these photos? The green spikey grenade looking thing is a dragon fruit. Grows like a weed here, as in literally, I refuse to plant any on our property for fear of it taking over the place. The little green berries on the tree are someones future morning cup of coffee. And yeah, it would take a hell of a lot of effort to turn those little berries into actual coffee so I don’t see myself planting a coffee tree anytime soon.
When it comes to outfit inspiration for 1940s fashion, I find myself coming back to photos of Rita Hayworth quite a lot. There’s a lot of great photos out there of her dressed down in casual, every day looks which is where I look for inspiration when buying 40s style shirts and shorts. Outfits like this are a great example of a timeless, elegant casual summer look. The kind of outfit that blends in fairly well with regular folk clothing. I change style icons every few years, but its safe to say Rita is my lady of the moment when it comes to outfit inspiration.
Looking back at styles and trends, its interesting to see how the styles of the 40s are actually very modern and easy to wear today. Contemporary fashion still utilises a lot of the simpler styles that were fashionable in the 1940s. The sandals I’m wearing are just some generic Kmart ones but not really any different to ones worn in the 40s. I mean obviously the quality of the workmanship and materials is rubbish, but aesthetically they have the right look. Which is decent if you’re trying to style a vintage look on a strict budget. It isn’t exactly that fashion has changed so massively, it’s that the way things fit that has changed (to ensure nothing looks flattering on anyone regardless of physique). The quality of materials too, giving temporary gratification only, so as to fuel consumerism.
You take such beautiful photos. And you have the best hair! 🤩🤩