This month every attempt at taking photos has been disasterous. So when I looked through this set and saw that the majority of them came out over exposed…it was scrap the whole set or whack on a black and white old timey filter. So no, none of this was done to be artistic. If you’re thinking I should be an expert at setting the exposure after doing this outfit photo stuff for years…You’re not wrong. But, sometimes when you’re taking photos the lighting looks fine and then next minute the sun just sneaks up on you, game over. So really I should have got out of bed earlier, or waited for an overcast day.
I do however, love this outfit. I have wanted a 1940s suit for a long time, but could never justify getting one. I thought the look was too serious for every day wear, probably better suited to wear in an office or a court room. Of course, suits like this were once every day wear, and I’ve slowly noticed vintage reproduction brands have started to make them. This suit is by a brand that only recently popped up on my radar; Revival Vintage, who specialise in selling true vintage as well as their own line of authentic repros. I’m wearing the grey Victory Suit in herringbone, although because this is a very fine herringbone print it doesn’t show up easily. Which is perfect for me because I’m not usually a fan of it in a larger print.
While taking these photos it occurred to me how this very overused photo spot it looks a lot worse for year these days. Poor Winston the porcelain bulldog (not featured in these photos) is looking awfully chipped these days, and the phone box is missing a few panels. However, lets just pretend that this goes with the 1940s war era theme and adds a more authentic feel to these photos. In reality however this is just the outside of an antique store in country Queensland. I’m hoping that next month might be a bit better in terms of blog photos, as I often feel dissappointed if I don’t post two outfit posts a month, which is the quota I try to set for myself. If you’re thinking that it’s all a bit superflous with the way blogging is these days, regardless, I prefer actual blog posts to instagram because I don’t think a small square is enough to really show an outfit. And I guess it’s also to do with the fact that I’ve always been old fashioned…
I prefer blogs over Instagram too! (I deleted my IG account last year, and haven’t looked back…) So, please do keep blogging 🙂
Love the black and white filter- I would have definitely thought it was intentional if you hadn’t mentioned it.