Earlier this year I wrote about the history of beach pajamas and the way ladies in the 1930s used to love to strut their stuff on the boardwalk to show off their latest beach pajamas. These days you’ll probably get your fair share of confused looks if you wear beach pajamas – I certainly did, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get a spring in my step when I wear them. They certainly do make me feel like queen of the boardwalk. This pair of beach pajamas was bought specifically with Christmas in mind (yes I know it’s only September but I like to think ahead…) and obviously I couldn’t wait until then!
It’s kind of funny, but sometimes when I make up my mind about what I will be posting here next I start to caution myself, thinking oh no everyone is going to see this hat again and another pair of beach pajamas and groan. And then I remember why I actually blog; this is my own personal style journal that just happens to be fairly public. I wear the same things in variation because this is what my style consists of. But really though, why on earth would I buy something and then only wear it once? The only thing that isn’t realistic about this outfit is that I’m wearing heels, and that’s only to spare you the horror of seeing my dodgy flip flops. No one needs to see that!
These beach pajamas are a little different to the ones that I have featured in previous posts though, as they are not nautical themed. I would love to have a good collection one day as they are something I really enjoy wearing and actually feel the most confident in. Living in Australia I also prefer to be covered up as much as possible on the beach due to our high UV, but you probably didn’t need me to tell you that I am not a fan of tanning, right? I mostly enjoy the beach for the sea air, and to search for sea glass which I love to collect.
House of Foxy – beach pajamas
David Jones – hat
Novo – shoes
Splendid look, those shoes are fab with the pyjamas too, despite the lack of practicality for rock-hopping! Bring on all the beach pyjamas, I can’t get enough xx
Keep showing us the beach pyjamas! I love them, and this pair is so pretty.
The Artyologist
I love these beach pyjamas and if they’d come out a little earlier in the UK I probably would’ve bought these. However, summer was drawing to a close and my mind was already in the mood for planning my autumn/winter wardrobe. Perhaps next year if they still have them I will finally get some. They look fab on you!
On a side note, I totally agree with the wearing things over and over on your blog. Why would you only ever wear it once? I mix and match my pieces all the time and my white linen 1930s skirt has featured on the blog four times already! xx
You go with what works for you and this look definitely works for you. The colours are just perfect on you as well. Thank you for sharing.
Very well said – and important reminder to all of us. It’s super easy to start going down those kinds of paths with our thoughts, but ultimately, our blogs are our own and we can share whatever we want on them (repeat fashions very much included).
This whole look is so dreamy and elegant. You seriously make me want a pair of beach pj’s of my own.
xoxo ♥ Jessica
Oh my wow, just wow I love these beach pajamas on you so much, the floral print and red detailing is stunning! I was these for myself! xo
So much beauty! And so much inspiration for my own beach photos tomorrow morning 😀 If my pictures come out even half as well as these I will be over the moon. I can’t remotely tell that the bright sunshine threatened to ruin them by the way :p
I admire your skill at traversing rocks in heels, I must say! My balance is so terrible, I wouldn’t dare!
Love it! Photos, beach pajamas all is adorable!
Such glamour for casual beach wear! Sigh! You look incredibly elegant and put together, rare to see on the beach these days. And I’m glad to see how you style the same thing in different ways, much more real and a great inspiration!
I wouldn’t worry one bit about anyone thinking “oh another pair of beach pyjamas.” This is your blog to put whatever you like on, and I just think anyone who choose to go to blogs and be negative is just looking for something to complain or be nasty about. Just like when you wear clothes you’ve worn before to work or to see friends, everyone understands because we’re all human and just because you’re a blogger there’s no reason you need to always wear something new!
Also I think I say it every time you post an outfit like this but I just know I couldn’t pull it off, but you do it so well! 🙂
What a wonderful print! These photos look like snaps from a Miss Fishers episode, so deco 🙂 I know what you mean about feeling like you are repeating a look too often when it comes to blogging, I am always afraid of that too, but we are real people who only have so many clothes! Your photos are always so gorgeous anyways, like a moment out of time.
I love those beach pyjamas on you! I definitely need one for myself.
Many hugs,
Sandra <3