Everyone and their mother went to Japan this year, I know. So if people are a bit sick of seeing touristy photos taken in Japan because at least a handful of their friends or family members went, I understand. You might even be sick of seeing people gushing about what an amazing, beautiful, orderly country Japan is. Because really, it is. All of the extremely positive things you have heard about Japan, they are absolutely true. So it isn’t just a coincidence that everyone is over in Japan right now. It’s also the time of year when the Japanese maples and gingko leaves are their most beautiful.
In Japan autumn is a fine art. Temples and gardens are cultivated in order to provide a place where the seasons can be appreciated and enjoyed. People take the time to go out and view the changing leaves; I planned our trip to Japan to do just this. I wasn’t sure how I would go dressing the way I do in Japan. But turns out I need not have worried, because Japan is a country where everyone puts a lot of consideration into their attire. Coming from the West where athleisure is seen as acceptable attire for most occasions, I was taken aback to see that everyone was smartly and fashionably dressed everywhere we went.
Another thing I noticed was that people are very accepting of everyone having their own unique sense of style. Which is definitely not how it is here. So despite being a stranger in a different country dressed outside the norm, I did not once feel out of place or uncomfortable. Which is how I feel every time I go out in Australia…For the three weeks we were away, I packed ten items of clothing. Which is travelling light by my standards. Japan has some very good vintage shopping if you know the places to look, and I am thankful that I didn’t overpack because I was able to bring home some very special purchases. Packing this suit was definitely a good call as it’s light and the fabric doesn’t wrinkle so it can be worn straight out of the suitcase.
Such a beautiful nod to Japanese culture!