Last month I got a new bike in anticipation of the Tweed Ride that took place in Marburg. And ever since the only thing that’s stopped me from riding my bike daily is bad weather. I’m actually thinking that maybe I should cancel my gym membership, god knows I barely go, on account of how mortifying I find the ordeal. That whole seeing myself in the kind of unforgiving gym attire that is the style these days in the many full size mirrors that cover every wall. Not to mention the horrible loud clubbing music and bright lights…Also the feeling of judgement from other gym goers behind my treadmill who can see what I’m watching and are probably thinking wtf. I feel like I can’t win because if I put on a normie show like Emily In Paris it is guaranteed that a raunchy scene will be playing when the old dear behind me glances at my screen. Or I’ll be giving Yoga Mum’s the ick with whatever Ask A Mortician episode I’m watching.
But when I go for bike rides all the things I normally loathe about public exercise are no longer an issue. Riding 14km is actually very manageable when you’re wearing a cute outfit, speeding past whimsical scenery and also doing a bit of wildlife spotting. When I plan the route for my ride I like to include spots where I can hop off and do some bird watching. Most of my routes include waterways which means there’s a good variety of wildlife to see. I’ve been an avid bird watcher for years, so the fact that I can combine one of my hobbies with getting a workout means I actually have something to look forward to. Instead of just punishing myself for that fact that I really enjoy baked goods.
I’ve realised that this is the third post this year where I’m wearing a pair of slacks in this style. It’s just that they are very comfortable and I think they look quite smart. We are also experiencing some icy winds here at the moment, probably a first for where I live, so its just as well I own quite a few pairs. I’ve also just not been feeling the very flashy vintage outfits too. Comfortable, casual 1940s looks like this are perfect for the winter months and those days when you’re really not in the mood to be eyeballed by the general public. Or harassed for photos which is actually really embarrassing when it happens. Because it happens a lot and I feel like it’s been especially bad lately. Which has made me enjoy vintage fashion less than I used to because it’s becoming a constant source of conflict in my life. Like the other day when I was having a nice meal with my husband and a random photographer interrupted and asked for a photo and was taken aback when I said absolutely not!
Vivien of Holloway Katherine 1940s slacks
Freddies of Pinewood Spellbound blouse
V for Victory brooch made by my lovely friend
I love your new bike! I have a mint green vintage style city bike, and it is scientifically proven that a cute bicycle makes it nicer to ride, right? I also love cycling for exercise more than the gym- I’ve never been able to get into exercising in front of other people either!
You’ve inspired me to start bike riding again. Just need to fix the tyre tubing and I’m all set to go. I have a pale green retro bike similar to yours. They’re so cute, aren’t they? X