In this household we go on two holidays a year; in winter and in summer. The winter holiday is exclusively for Diago, and then in summer we leave Diago with a sitter and go to the beach. Every year we head to a cabin in the bush where the humans get to drink mulled wine by a log fire, and Diago chases roos and barks at cows. Cows that see Diago and think he’s a muster dog and run up to him in a large herd and await his instructions…In short, a great weekend is had by all and Diago sleeps the entire four hour drive home, exhausted from running free on 80 acres. We love it, and I’m fairly certain he does too.
The fact that we coordinated for these photos is actually unintentional, believe it or not. I decided to treat myself to a new siren suit, because they are such comfy things. And had a crochet purse commissioned by the same lovely lady who made the green one you’ve seen in my other posts. I don’t know how others feel by mixing florals with polka dots but I really like it. I was really feeling the kitschy folky vibe with this outfit so decided to go full babushka the way I sometimes do with my outfits. This is the last time I’ll be sporting really long hair for a while because the other day I felt the urge to chop off six inches.
As much as I really love how easy braids are to wear and style, I really miss being able to do a proper 1940s set. So it was time. And yes I do regret it, just a little bit. Diago finds it extremely boring when we take outfit photos so he likes to entertain himself (and make things take twice as long) by running in and out of the photos. Being a dalmatian, albeit one that’s getting on in years (he turns 10 next month) it isn’t possible for him to sit still for long. So he ran in and out of frame as we took these and demanded pats and attention. After all, it was his holiday.
Just Found your blog ,so many blogs have shut down that I used to read, so glad I found yours. Your outfit looks great.