Sometimes I really like the concept of an outfit, even if its not an outfit that feels very me. And this look is a good example of that. The pink, the tiara and novelty purse make me look like I’m a plastic magic wand short of throwing one of those kids princess themed parties. Or doing an interpretation of Glinda The Good Witch? And my hair…I’m so used to wearing it in braids these days that when I do actually set it I have no idea how to do a proper brush out. So instead my hair resembles one of those creepy porcelain dolls with long ringlets that I used to seriously love growing up. I guess if any of my childhood dolls is going to inspire my aesthetic choices at least it isn’t a Bratz doll.
Here on the blog it’s not September without photos of the cherry blossoms and the flower carnival. I too am amazed at my lack of originality diligence to keep taking photos here like clock work. I wonder what the little old ladies who come to feed the ducks in the morning think. Probably yep; it must be mid September because blonde girl is here taking photos in a pastel outfit like she does every year. Rest assured that I too find my predictability very cringey. And every year, I look at the cherry blossoms like I am seeing them for the very first time. I will never grow tired of their delicate beauty, even if I keep returning to this garden every spring decades from now.
Please do keep returning! The blossoms are beautiful! I have favourite spots I always return to as well 🙂