These photos were taken in spring and then put aside for a rainy day. Today is that rainy day, because the wet season came early this year and it looks like it will be staying for some time. Most of the time when I take photos, I’m not very happy with them. The lighting is an issue, or I am the issue and I go back and forth in the hope of some better photos coming along. I wanted to get back into the habit of posting on the blog on a regular basis this year…and it just hasn’t happened. These days I lack the attention span to sit down and edit a set of photos for a blog post. Instagram has made me lazy. And it’s changed peoples expectations too.
I sound like a dinosaur every time I bang on about how much blogging has changed. But here I go again. Bear with me. When I first started reading blogs, a typical blog post would be a series of photos showing an outfit with an aesthetically pleasing background. And a few paragraphs of text gushing about the outfit. Usually taken with an entry level Canon with a self timer, or by a friend or spouse. Today looking through blogs or instagram accounts is more akin to looking at an editorial in Vogue…And sometimes I wonder if that’s why a lot of the bloggers I’ve grown up with stopped posting. Some that I know personally gave up because they felt like they couldn’t compete with this new generation of blogging. I get that.
And then there’s me with my arrested development. Because I simply can’t compete, and am too lazy to, for that matter. I’m too old to care anymore… I just like documenting my outfits. Maybe with the hope that it helps others who want to see what an outfit looks like on a regular person without weird angles, several layers added in photoshop and a person edited so much that they resemble a Sim. Not to mention, outfits that have actually been worn and loved. That reflect the owners genuine style. Rather than a freebie offered in exchange for content, then promptly discarded. Sounds grim and cynical, I know.
I guess what I want to say that the reason I post on here is because every blog post is an ode to an outfit I love and enjoyed wearing. When I was growing up I loved my toys and saw them as real little beings. I took them on adventures and outings that I thought they would love. I realised what I do with my outfits is exactly the same, at the risk of this all sounding extremely unhinged and deranged. But when I saw this dress, I instantly thought; oh what a perfect outfit for taking in the tulips. Which is exactly what I did, I wore this dress to catch a final glimpse of the tulips before they disappeared for another year…
Keep blogging! Yes you are right that the blogging landscape has changed beyond recognition, but there are still those of us out here (who have been following you for on looooong time!) who like the outfit details and the thought out picture of a genuine person in lovely frocks rather than the sugar hit of Instagram 🙂