‘Lucy’ dress courtesy of The Seamstress of Bloomsbury

I’ve decided to make it a habit of doing a little recap of each month! Mainly because I always take a lot of photos and doing this means I have somewhere to allocate the ones that don’t make it into outfit posts/IG…I also kind of enjoy reading lifestyle posts on other blogs because I’m nosy and like to see what people get up to. Outside of outfit posts, since sometimes it kind of feels very one dimensional to only post what you’re wearing and nothing else.
Not that I have anything terribly exciting going on, but that’s just how I like it. The highlight of this month was when the wattle started to bloom. I always look forward to the wattle coming out and try to make the most of it because it’s very much a blink and you’ll miss it. So I made a point of taking Diago out everyday to where the wattle grows and stopping to breathe it all in. Unfortunately after we took these photos Diago nearly ripped my arm out of its socket when a kangaroo appeared. Which I later realised led to the underarm of this dress getting torn from the sudden motion. Thankfully it was easy to repair…
July has been the month when everything we planted in May has really started to take off. Everyday I go into the garden and pick a handful of snow peas to snack on. Previously I wasn’t a big fan, but these home grown ones are pleasantly sweet and crunchy. Every week or so I’m able to fill this large colander full of salad greens and then watch it all grow back again. Finally, the motivation I’ve been needing to get back into eating salad…
As it is, I’ve got patty pan squash ripening and the tomatoes are about to go gangbusters. I recently learned that these are easy to propagate so I now have twenty or so cuttings growing. If all goes well in the next few weeks friends and family will be inundated with tomato plants of their own. At this very moment I’ve got the first zucchini I’ve harvested in the oven that I threw into the vegetarian tagine I’m cooking for dinner…I’m already very much looking forward to seeing what August means for the garden. Here’s hoping I should have some more impressive photos to share…
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