You know when you’re taking blog photos and you’re thinking to yourself oh I sure hope the poisonous snakes aren’t feeling particularly feisty today… Or is that just a me problem? I’m probably the only one mad (or foolish) enough to decide to defiantly take photos in the area where there have been a lot of snake sightings recently. But I was feeling really determined, and really lazy because these palm trees are just down the road from me and sometimes it’s good to not have to go far for blog photos. Every time I go past this spot I think how I could totally pretend that it’s somewhere exotic like Cuba, Africa or India, and then I realise that apparently where I live is already what most people would consider exotic. While we don’t have malaria, we do have dengue fever which in some ways is a lot worse, and after the time I spent editing out the mosquito bites on my legs I’m amazed I’m not its next victim.
Those of you who know that I sleep in a four poster bed that doesn’t have a canopy might be wondering why that is, like do I actually like being bitten all night long? But the real reason is that I’m pretty certain that having a canopy on my bed would actually be asking a big fat python to slither in through the window and use it as a hammock until it eventually collapses onto me in the middle of the night. Well if not a python, definitely one of my cats. And if you’re reading this and have a phobia of snakes, I’m very sorry. I spend a lot of time obsessing over all the bad snake related incidents that are likely to happen where I live…
It did occur to me that I could write a survival guide about how to handle summer in Queensland while wearing vintage fashion…but then I realised I was too late. Because apparently today is the first day of autumn, or so they would like to have me believe. I survived summer by spending the majority of it holed up in an airconditioned room, working my way through a pile of books and when I did go outside it was wearing something similar to this outfit. I came across this set at the Boxing Day sales and I thought oh, I really don’t need another 40s shorts and top set…but then I realised that considering how much wear I get out of them it would be silly not to.
This set is actually by an Australian company called Dangerfield, and every time I’ve worn it people have asked if it was vintage. I normally don’t buy a huge amount of Dangerfield as they mostly do 50s and 60s looks, but every now and then there’s a few odd 40s appropriate pieces here and there. The pineapple purse is also one of theirs and I bought it a few years ago and then decided it wasn’t my style at all. So it sat in my pile of things to get rid of for a long time and then I remembered that I had it the other day and decided to try it and see if it would work with a 40s look. Personally I think it looks too modern so it ends up being an anachronism and annoys me just that little bit when I look at these photos.
When I was reading some of my 40s magazines, I kept coming across photos of girls at the beach wearing hats identical to this one. As it turns out, you can still buy these at most discount stores here, so I picked one up for myself together with some el cheapo hair flowers. I know you’re probably wondering how many straw hats does this girl need…and I’m actually not at all proud of how many I own or the fact that I feel the need to wear them with every damn outfit…
Dangerfield top & shorts
Dangerfield bag
Miss L Fire heels
Discount Variety Store hat & hair flowers
snakes are definitely not on the list of things i worry about when taking photos, haha! hope you stay safe while looking this lovely! the whole outfit is great, but i especially love the print of the set and that bag! xx
Very cute look! I love a little set like this, and that straw hat is just divine.
Man, though, you’re making blogging in Australia sound crazy! Please don’t get bit by snakes in the pursuit of a good shot.
I’m not sure if blogging in your weather or mine is worse right now (feels like -10 outside, snow and ice everywhere and winds from hell) – it’s too close to call! I don’t have to worry about snakes though – just falling over and breaking my neck 😉 I can’t believe this set is Dangerfield given what you’ve shown me of their stuff – very cute. And I like the bag, but I love a wicker novelty bag any day of the week and only wish I had more opportunities to wear mine!
Perfect backdrop! I’m not sure I would have ventured to that location with snakes hiding about the place.ha ha. But totally worth it for the beautiful pictures! I really like the fun that the pineapple bag brings to the whole look, it’s always nice to have something a little bit different to lift an outfit.
I think you look charming, and as a novelty bag fan all I can see is how well it goes with your hair flowers. I do embrace anachronisms!
I appreciate the risk you took getting these photos. You wouldn’t get me anywhere near those bushes! You live in a beautiful country, and a warm one, but honestly I will take the cold and wet UK rather than risk pythons!!
Ehh, stomp really hard and make a lot of noise and the snakes will run away…. haha, you can tell I’m Aussie… Lol.
I do love this Dangerfield set on you, it’s so cute! I’m always drawn to these 40s playsuit/crop top styles and then I get scared to show any of my tum… So I just have live vicariously through you and admire from afar. 😉
bonita of Lavender & Twill