If I’m really lucky, sometimes it stops raining long enough for me to go for a bike ride. And yes, I realise I keep bringing up the rain lately but that’s because it’s that time of year where it’s pretty much non stop. It’s a very good day if it stays clear long enough for blog photos and a few minutes after we finished taking these…it started raining. With the rain comes the holiday season, and that inevitably means the arrival of the Black Friday sales. Something I have a love/hate relationship with. So bad but so good. I tried so hard to be really good this year, and yet there I was on the very last day of the sales a few hours before all the good deals expired hoping desperately that my account wasn’t going to go into overdraft with one final order. And it didn’t, hooray! I am now the very happy owner of a PS4 and Call of Duty WWII, and some of the Besame Snow White range which I was able to ship to Australia via a third party courier.
My wardrobe is always fairly unbalanced when it comes to casual outfits, and these shorts are my latest attempt at solving this problem. Much as I do love my Freddies jeans, right now is not the time of year to be wearing them! Although, that didn’t stop me doing so recently, and with hilarious results. I was shopping with a friend who also wears vintage and that day we decided to dress down so that we could shop in peace, without being barraged with the age old question; what are you so dressed up for? We both wore Freddies of Pinewood and plain tees, and guess what – people still asked what we were dressed up for. One woman actually asked for pictures…errr. I mean I totally understand people asking for a picture if you’re wearing something especially extra. Not that this is something I actually tolerate I might add – I feel like it’s not appropriate and just a really weird thing to do. But of all outfits? So I guess there’s probably some people out there who might consider this outfit dressed up, but I don’t! For me this is an ideal casual look for outdoor activities.
This lovely cockatoo mural is just down the road from where I live, and conveniently next to my favourite coffee shop. Every time I’ve gone to get a coffee for the last few years I’ve thought to myself about how I should definitely take blog photos there…and then it never happens. So this set of photos ticks that off the bucket list! The mural is actually on an electricity sub station and it disguises the otherwise unsightly structure very well, so I think it’s pretty clever. I also have a big soft spot for it because it features a Sulphur crested cockatoo which is a bird we see a lot of in these parts. These cockatoos are very fun to interact with because they’re incredibly charismatic and pick up human words easily…which can be hilarious depending on the crowd they keep.
Loco Lindo shirt (similar) courtesy of Loco Lindo
Heyday Kitty shorts
Miss L Fire Selina Heels
That’s the most attractive sub-station I’ve ever seen! We should paint them here in the UK, there are some unsightly ones around.
I think this outfit is very cute indeed, you look as though you’re off on a Famous Five adventure or something. And your legs look amazing in those shorts!
That’s so funny about still causing a stir on a dress-down day though with your jeans. You’re just made for the limelight obviously. xx
Such a cute casual outfit, so great to wear on a hot summer’s day! I know what your saying about all this rain, we have been having lately in Queensland. I don’t think we are use to it! 🙂
It’s currently raining whilst I’m typing this comment!
Such a cute casual outfit! Other than the high heels, it’s the perfect run about look for when you have stuff to do and it’s hot. Super chic too! Giving me so much bicycle envy right now!!
Aren’t bicycles fun to take photos with 😀 I just realised there’s a whole bunch of posts from a week ago I never read, including this one 🙁 And that would have been sad to miss indeed! Those shoes… so glad you got them cos they are f.a.b. and working oh so well with this cute casual look!
Such a gorgeous outfit! I really miss summer now…
And those shoes! So amazing!!