It’s so good to finally be home. It’s always a strange feeling coming back, it feels like time has stood still and like I never left in the first place. I think that’s what is so comforting about it and why I never want to leave. This lupine field would have to be my favorite place in the whole world and after I arrived at my house the first thing I did was to come straight here to see the flowers and the wild strawberries that are starting to colour.
Wow, those flowers are so beautiful! Such lovely colours x
Your white outfit amid the colourful flowers – outfit photo perfection!! x
Truly beautiful images – and location. I can see instantly why this field speaks to your soul.
May every day of your trip be just as lovely as these photos are.
♥ Jessica
Sooooo beautiful! Such dreamy photos x
This place is so beautiful! ♥
Gorgeous! I love the fields and I love that you wore a white dress. Such beautiful pictures!
Those flowers are sooo pretty! We never have fields of flowers like that down in Canberra ~ I am continuously wishing that we did though. It's one of my blogging "dreams" to do a 'field of flowers' shoot. 😛 I really love how you picked that stunning white two-piece to wear for these pictures as well. It really accentuates all that glorious color. ❤
bonita of Lavender & Twill
This is soooo beautiful! You look amazing and the flowers are so lovely! I tried to grow some lupines in my garden but they don't seem to like it here :/
So beautiful! Enjoy being home!